Video Bar

The English Channel - History Channel Spoof Earth Wars - Series Jeromy & the Cookies (Short Film) The Spies (Short Film) Are You This Cool - Blue Man In A Blue World
The English Channel Earth Wars (Series) Jeromy & the Cookies The Spies (Short Film) Are You This Cool

Welcome to my Blog!

~~~Welcome to my blog! My name is Alex D Chandler, I am a Film and Media Specialist at Eggroll Creative & PR. If you are in need of a visual design service or some form of technical help you can contact me at depending on your needs we can discuss and set up a quote and time frame. If you are a friend with some form of technical issue and are looking for advice contact me on Facebook for free assistance, thanks.
~~~Any feedback you care to give is much apreciated. Below, on the left, is the most recent blog post, probably featuring a recent project. And on the right are some links to myself and friends around the web.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Well Then...

You know when you say you are going to do something and then you also mention this other thing coming up, then you don't do what you say you were going to do.....

Well that's apparently what happened to me....
Last post says I'm going to start blogging, and that school is about to start... Well obviously school, consisting of 2 AP classes, has gotten in the way of that, it is now what December, and I have just now made a post....because it is now winter

So whats new:
~Went to school as a smurf on Dec. 9, it was for a video, but lots of fun doing that...put up a video of it a couple days ago - Here it is below

~Started keeping some statistics of my Youtube stuff for Filming Humor, back in November, decided my own personal excel work sheet was better than the Youtube statistics which are a bit weird....

~Earth Wars will start coming out sometime in January, The trailer will come first, followed by three or four episodes, about 5mins an episode - here is the Earth Wars logo...

~Made an amazing short film called, Jeromy & the Cookies, basically we were out filming The Spaztastic News when all of a sudden Chase, our weatherman, gets this idea to make a video using this plate of cookies he brought over. Of course that whole day I had been feeding him and Zach the misc. character, Pixie Stix's and other sugary goods, so they had quite a sugar high already. Curious myself to the idea I went along with it. Months after filming I found a chance to edit the video creating one of our many spectacular videos.
Unfortunately it has only got 132 views as of today - Here is the video, enjoy :D

Annoying Details:
~The Filming Humor fan page on Facebook is doing a spectacular job, I wasn't sure how valuable it would become, but after watching how it can be used in spreading the knowledge of your existence. I have made it as much a priority as getting subscribers.
I mean look at it this way, you have a viewer, typical viewer, just found you through a search on Google or Youtube, but either way there is, I would guess, a 10 - 25% chance that viewer will even have a Youtube account to subscribe with. But there is an even better chance they have a Facebook account in which they can follow you with. So in the sidebar I will put a link to Facebook, or even in the video I try to put something that informs the user there is a link in the sidebar. And there is a very good reason for this too, say a viewer likes your videos, watches a few but you know what they have to get off and they have no way to remember your channel, or anything (Instance one for an example). With that little link you will now have viewers previously subscribed becoming fans and new viewers becoming fans. But I make it out to be all so great, which it is in integrating your videos into your viewers social life's, but there is a bit of a downside, what is the likely hood they will see that update you put up on Facebook with a link to the video (btw the video can be watched on Facebook). Well there is a chance that they will not see it. I know from experience that you will miss well over half of the posts made by your friends, when you have 150 of them. This is also true on Youtube only so many will be able to get on within a period of time in which your video is shown in their subscription box. About 2-3 of my nearly 30 subscribers will actually see the video (because of the subscription module), of course this is based off youtubes lame insights but it is likely close enough. But I have made getting Fans & Subscribers my top priorities. You have no idea how many of my friends & classmates don't even know I put videos on the web (Instance two for an example).

-Instance one:
---So one day I was IM'ing to someone on Facebook, this person had sent me a friend invite, I had no idea who they were, the only reason I accepted the invite was because we had a mutual friend. It turned out that their cousin, the mutual friend, had gotten on and sent me the invite. She was as surprised as I was by the event. Now her cousin had not known about Filming Humor, or had only seen one or two of the videos. This girl I was IM'ing then went into my photos, saw them, and realized wait a second this is familiar. Sent me a message asking, do you make videos to Youtube and live in Washington State? I of course had the surprised response of, What are you stalking me? When all was over I learned that awhile back she had found one of my videos while surfing the web and had watched a few more, she thought they were awesome, I then informed her about our Facebook fan page, she was then turned into a Facebook fan because she didn't have a Youtube account to subscribe with.
Later that week I went back into my insights on Youtube and discovered that the only time Arkansas views were achieved on any of the videos were before the Facebook fan page had been created. In light of new events I had come to the realization that I definitely need to make the existence more known.

-Instance two:
---I was talking online, via Youtube channel, and I sent a friend invite, to a friend, and their response was funny, or so I thought at the time, she said, "wow lol, i remember you talking about making video's in school Alex lol, but i didnt know you had so many!!" Obviously this is a prime example of a typical person, I know, who has barley any idea what I do. There wasn't even that many videos back then, only like 11. But those are the people who can help a video production out a lot, all you have to do is get their attention; wave a big flag if you have to. What I will do is, on the Facebook fan page, I click suggest to friends, and click anyone who I consider a possible viewer, or anyone associated with us.

Well what else have I been up to?
~Went to Hawaii, made a news about it...
~Adopted a canoe yesterday, spent four hours at the beach to get it....
~Got a 16GB card for my camera, now I can record nearly 4 hours of HD video YAY :D
~Probably going to get a couple wigs here soon, that will be a lot better than using plastic bags from prior days shopping.....

The Canoe

That's about it, enjoy this coming holiday and a happy new years
If you liked some of the information I gave you why don't you follow me, I'll have some more stuff up sooner or later, and who doesn't like to learn....

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