We started many of months back but have just been overwhelmed. We plan to start filming 1-2 months before school gets out and time has just flown by. We have the whole outline but...we need more time is all.
A few months back we learned that Tim a great friend of mine, and close companion to Filming Humor was moving to Texas. We always wanted to get a video made before he left but he will be gone as of this Saturday. You may remember him as Vader from Earth Wars, or Gregory from The Spaztastic News, he also played numerous roles in side videos.
It's a great loss that will be heavily impacting and will take some time to recover from, he was definitely a guy to call upon when a new video was going to be made, or if we had an extra spot open. It would have been nice to have him in LO2 as there are a ton of roles and parts that still need occupying.
As for LO2:
So this plot has like a bazillion characters, most of which die, lots of foreshadowing, and as much epic as you could possibly imagine. The plot has nearly a bazillion places where we need to go for on location, not to mention all the other complications....such as the editing hassle. We don't plan to release the video series for nearly half a year after we finish filming and the effects are so far beyond us right now it is unbelievable. I mean I practice from time to time and try to learn to do super power effects but it is difficult.
This is the as of now logo...will likely go back into construction for a makeover.
Because I always like to tell the history of LO2 here it goes. So one day, about a year ago,i had an idea for a stick fight I could make, drew it up in class, they had super powers. I then went to design a plot for how they got their powers and their saving of the world. At this point in time I was not really big into making movies...more animations actually...but I was in video editing class and made great work with windows movie maker. I actually didn't have a camera either so the idea that I would get anywhere was over my head.
My friend Ethan and my other friend Erik were going to play the main characters. Ethan being as crazy as you know him to be (created the idea to The Spaztastic News among many others like Earth Wars) had to take my plot and twist it into a new. From the kind peaceful plot it was turned into a druggie based movie that probably would have been terrible. The first filming was spectacular in that it was hilarious and I wish I could release it but am incapable due to the fact that Ethan would more or less chop off my head and throw it in a sewer then burn my body...
Anyway, we scrapped that version because Ethan became to busy to film. But you have to remember that the only directing experience before the filming was a little for a Romeo Juliette skit for school. But before we scrapped it we assumed Ethan would be back and filmed a whole scene without him and kept his name in use but when it came time for the next filming he was gone and so we brought in Dylan who then played Ethan. This got pretty far but eventually failed as summer came because Dylan was soon a lost cause during the summer when no one could get in contact with him.
Eventually LO2 was scrapped. Until I met my friend Chase and learned that we both enjoyed video production and then teamed up with Ethan (who came back into video as of summer) and created Filming Humor. From there we made a series of skits and other random videos.
LO2 went back into production about a month and a half before the end of summer with Chase and I exchanging the original plot outline and making changes as needed to the point of perfection. We removed all that Ethan had added that made it bad, and reset the plot scenes and everything the Original LO2 was.
Google Wave had just come around soon afterward; Chase, Ethan and I took advantage and started the scripting of every scene. We changed from having two main characters as two males to a male and female who pick on each other in a funny fashion and came to a splendid point. We started recruiting people we thought fit character roles, set new guidelines and planned for everything to be without flaw as to avoid all bumps we faced last time.
From there we are here, and yet we still have nearly a year until we will release the video, but such a short time that is.
Thanks For Reading
The Director,

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