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The English Channel - History Channel Spoof Earth Wars - Series Jeromy & the Cookies (Short Film) The Spies (Short Film) Are You This Cool - Blue Man In A Blue World
The English Channel Earth Wars (Series) Jeromy & the Cookies The Spies (Short Film) Are You This Cool

Welcome to my Blog!

~~~Welcome to my blog! My name is Alex D Chandler, I am a Film and Media Specialist at Eggroll Creative & PR. If you are in need of a visual design service or some form of technical help you can contact me at depending on your needs we can discuss and set up a quote and time frame. If you are a friend with some form of technical issue and are looking for advice contact me on Facebook for free assistance, thanks.
~~~Any feedback you care to give is much apreciated. Below, on the left, is the most recent blog post, probably featuring a recent project. And on the right are some links to myself and friends around the web.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Directionalization; Where to go....

Working at the Sony Booth giving people
information on products, lots of fun!

Howdy all you fine folks,

First of all, complete side note, if you haven't looked into this Greek artist her music is completely interesting: Joker's Daughter. Funny and unique sound. But if you would prefer something a little different look up Camera Obscura's album Underachievers Please Try Harder, silly calming album I've been listening to lately: they are from Scotland if that makes it at all more interesting.

Well today is some huge football game, I'm going for the food...granted having finally cut out gluten it's hard to find great party noms. But it will be fun with friends. Right now I'm ignoring this list of homework; 2 math readings, 1 math homework, sociology discussion board, hour long video for sociology...and some small stuff for my Econ. class. Due tonight! Woohoo.

More importantly I'm in the face-off of where to go with my future. Film is fun, but again it is a hobby. I'll do it when called upon, not for money though, for the fun. And if I had to do it professionally again I would like to get paid a little more respectively; but that's cause I am picky.

It breaks down like this, minimum of one hour working with the author deciding how they want the video done. Of course, I am willing to give free quotes, etc. But then it's, "it would be nice if you read it." Actually this one guy's book looked interesting, but if it was ever a career I can't just read every project. So then finally I have to put the video together, and I like working with actual film not just pictures. But can you imagine being asked to go into the field after all this discussion and get some footage, and put it all together with one special effect for $50. It just comes down to, will I work for under $5/

Looking at this idea that has been floating in my mind; a gluten free restaurant, and friendly to vegans. It has a lot of potential, but then it is 'location, location, location.' Working on the location of it, considering downtown Tacoma by the University of Washington campus area. What is freaky is that this is only 16 months away. Yet it feels so far away..."senioritis" is kicking in, and I am only in my junior year of college.
Freaky truth: I have never had an experience of senioritis before. I went from sophomore in high school  to freshman in college, and now I'm a junior in college, kind of exciting!
Question for the readers: what do you think of the clicky photos on the right? I want to get an updated HTML/CSS code to make them a little more fun. If you have any thoughts or if you liked them, feel free to let me know. :)

Dianne had me make some edits to her video...I tried a couple little sneaky things, rather than being stuck with a non-hd video I used a fake HD. Basically I exported it as HD knowing that Premiere Pro can improve the quality of low quality footage. Still doesn't look like HD to anyone who pays attention, otherwise it looks fine still. The only big issue is the book covers at the end of the video which I am disappointed in: of course I just realized an easy fix for that.
Pretty much the video edits were to make the video make more sense and clean it up to prepare it for advertising. The shield in the cave was removed, and the doll was made to look less like a ghost in the first appearance. And then the credits were changed to match a Youtube schematic that Dianne and I will be adding this evening. Here is the new video if you care to take a look: we will be removing the first one from the public tonight:
If you have suggestions for improvement on the video I would enjoy hearing your thoughts.

Well I have to get ready for the day, thank you for reading, and I hope everyone has a great week (including those who read this sometime in the distant future)!


Alex Chandler


  1. You did a great job with the edits, Alex! It looks like you moved in closer in a couple of shots which I really like. Made it more personal. Hey...I'm looking for a twitter button and I'm not finding one!

  2. Hey Dianne,

    Were you looking for one here on my blog or for an overlay on your video?
