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The English Channel Earth Wars (Series) Jeromy & the Cookies The Spies (Short Film) Are You This Cool

Welcome to my Blog!

~~~Welcome to my blog! My name is Alex D Chandler, I am a Film and Media Specialist at Eggroll Creative & PR. If you are in need of a visual design service or some form of technical help you can contact me at depending on your needs we can discuss and set up a quote and time frame. If you are a friend with some form of technical issue and are looking for advice contact me on Facebook for free assistance, thanks.
~~~Any feedback you care to give is much apreciated. Below, on the left, is the most recent blog post, probably featuring a recent project. And on the right are some links to myself and friends around the web.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How you dress makes the difference, and why I'll be applying to ASU

Hello fellow bloggers. I love the last day of class! It marks a time where I have free time, but not enough of it. You see, the problem is that I would like to sit around all day and make movies, the issue is I have school, which is more important.

I'm working on falling back into a cycle of non stop video editing all month long. Even though we have a production with the cooking website Allrecipes coming up.
I feel like you should know everything that has happened in the last few months, but remembering that I haven't made a blog post in awhile....

Here is what happened. John, who was supposed to have like one quarter left at Tacoma Community College (TCC), got the job as film guy at TCC, because he is apparently going to be there a little longer than previously thought. I, being stubborn, had to found a club, which eventually ended with me becoming the president of the TCC Film Club. Which turns out to be a nice prestigious title. Which allows for greater affiliations, and more recognition to anything I try to do. I also discovered that my continuous learning expierence : Filming Humor, doesn't look good, because it is a learning expierence, and not a professional place. Which means I need to make a more professional place to display my best works. I'm thinking I need to host the films on some place other than YouTube...I'm getting tired of them, they are constantly changing for a safer secure community. There is a lot of bull there roght now, but it is an easy way to make a revenue if I ever needed to beef up an income. One successful video and you could make a few hundred dollars. Granted I don't have that yet, but that's besides the point. YouTube is not for my personal stuff.

Moving forward, as president of the TCC Film Club, I was able to create an affiliation with the cooking website, Allrecipes. And soon we will be making some short 'how to', cooking shows. On the 16th of this month I will be shooting a short how to with the TCC Film Club on cooking valentines goodies. I'll get you more information about that, once I get into the editing of it later this month.

I just applied for a job at Burger King yesterday, if I end up getting that job, it will take a major priority in my life over film. But that's because of how broke I am right now. My goal is to upgrade my computer this year....

The only nice break from life is a video game, I'm embarrassed to admit, I've been playing called Minecraft. I'm going to try and limit myself to an hour a day maximum. But even that is too much when it comes down to how I spend my time. I have swimming, personal films, film club, school, and some form of income (right now it is a little candy business). It's easy to say I'm a tad overwhelmed.

But that's my functioning level, under lots of pressure. I'm sure I'll drop the gamer addiction soon, right along with my sugar addiction.

Looking at colleges. I have had to spend a lot of time contemplating which college I wanted to go to. I think the last time I posted on here, my top choices were the Vancouver Film School (VFS), and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Unfortunately UCLA really only looks for instate, and there is a very, tiny chance I might get in. I have thus, lost interest in trying to get in there. I was still thinking VFS for awhile, but now am realizing I need a little more time.

My current plan is to apply to Arizona State University (ASU), I will then be bumped up into a near Junior status. My two current degree's I'm most interested in right now are Buisness and Film. Taking the opposite major as my minor. ASU apparently has a strong Buisness program, and is flexible for a minor in arts / film, so that is a plus. And I will get a chance to expierence their clubs, grow my interests a little, and hopefully achieve a great goal.

Moving forward, I think it is a good point to make that your attire really affects the way you act. I dress formally on club meeting days, and just for fun. It gives me a more serious attitude, and people respect me more. When I want to perceived as a little crazy, and perhaps creative, I can wear part of one of my costumes. And on the other hand, I can be taking a shower and feel my mind flowing like a wild bird. The point here is that, the way you dress affects who you are, and everything about you, so make sure you dress for the occasion.

Thank you for reading,

Alex Chandler
President of the TCC Film Club


  1. Glad to hear that you're making progress and thinking about different ways to make things happen, Alex. Wherever you decide to go to school I'm sure you'll meet a lot of like-minded people who will help you get to where you want to go. Good luck!

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