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Welcome to my Blog!

~~~Welcome to my blog! My name is Alex D Chandler, I am a Film and Media Specialist at Eggroll Creative & PR. If you are in need of a visual design service or some form of technical help you can contact me at depending on your needs we can discuss and set up a quote and time frame. If you are a friend with some form of technical issue and are looking for advice contact me on Facebook for free assistance, thanks.
~~~Any feedback you care to give is much apreciated. Below, on the left, is the most recent blog post, probably featuring a recent project. And on the right are some links to myself and friends around the web.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

To Be Honest

To be honest I love media. To be honest I was lost. To be honest I still can't tell if the world has any good left to give. And to be honest I am still so young, but in denial. [Break] I wish I could say I know everything, but I have always known that I don't. I would love to say I understand a lot...I understand much, but there is so much more to learn and comprehend. And when it comes down to it, I really am young. In my every day life my age is an issue. I tend to lie, I say I'm 19, which I pass for easily. But now I have a real job, and as it would turn out, for liability issues there are multiple tasks with knives that I can't do. Which is fairly annoying because it means I'm not as useful as I could be. At the college I attend I regularly have forms that ask for parental signature if you are under 18. They are all liability waivers, so what I'm really only 17. It's an arbitrary number I won't be able to escape for another few months. But it's also protection. Which isn't too much of an issue, cause it seems to hold me back more than anything. I unoficially lead a huge group of friends...and I'm the youngest. If people knew that would they still respect me? I don't honestly know. [Break] You know the world is ever changing, and here is the one thing I can say towards that. I met a guy who did some work in California, he gave me a little advice, don't go into film. He worked it for a few years doing camera work. I never would have gone Movie anyway, always stick to Televisiom. But it doesn't make sense when the real creativity is inside these independent artists who go to film festivals; but there really isn't money in that. When it comes down to it I would enjoy a life of creativity and film production. But it really doesn't make sense for me, maybe a hobby, or aspiration, but for me to reach my full potential I need to go a separate route. [Break] No longer am I wandering a line of film, I've stepped back into my original passion, business. I'm going to ASU after I get my Associates this quarter, where I will get a business degree. Arizona State University is one of the largest schools with recruits for business grads. Which means I'm almost guaranteed a job when I get out. With an average pay of about 70k a year, I'm definitely seeing some potential here. Live cheaply, pay off debts, and then save up to do what I want...start my own business. [Break] I look at the world around me, and I'm not pleased. I can see what appears to be happening. The Internet acts like a city, the drugs, sex, gangs, and bad behaviors we find common in the city are spreading outward into the smaller towns. And it doesn't make sense why this would happen. But the huge exchange on the Internet allows for everyone to interconnect. But what we haven't yet realized is the concept of assimilation, and it scares me most of all. [Break] Assimilation; This concept is simple. On thing becomes like the next, but it is off balance. Because in the current climactic state of the world people are more "bad." If we were in a state of more good I would be happy, and less worried, but we aren't. What this means as far as assimilation goes is that once you have been assimilated into something bad, meaning you now think something is okay, you have an incredibly hard time getting out of it, because everything around supports that which you have been converted too. That's why I have started to watch innocent movies like Totoro, and have tried to forget about anything bad I've learned. The simple act of not cussing by itself can be a difficult one, but still probably the simplest to understand and easiest to achieve. My biggest fear for my friends and society is the growing acceptance of drugs, sex, and alcohol. The more this content is shown in media, the more it will reflect in real life, and the cycle continues. I'm not saying it's a conspiracy, but it's people trying to make their profit that has lead to this. Since the Internet and technology we have had a huge boom in e-growth. These are businesses that take less people, generate huge revenue, and have the entire world as their audience. And people ask why jobs have become of few. I'm not against a man wanting to make a buck, heck I'm not even against the rich guy making some big bucks. What I am against is what has happened. We are in an excess of people looking for jobs. But what is the number one expense? People. And that is why companies constantly strive to remove the number of employees, but minimum wage is always rising. Which can cause issues. Especially when minimum wage is designed to give the employee the ability to live on their own. A bit of a mistake if you ask me. Minimum wage is for those who still live with their parents, or are just looking for some extra cash, it's not supposed to be something to live on. That's why you work hard for raises and specialty jobs. Anyhow, that's my rant on that subject. But the point that I need to finish making is not that people need to stop drinking, having sex, and doing drugs, but that the media needs to stop supporting it. The assimilation of someone's morales is one of the biggest crimes I can thnk of. Someone should be allowed to develope their morales based off real life situations. [Break] Anyhow, that's just a little honesty from me. I better get ready for tomorrow, always working with this class load, haha. --Alex Chandler

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